Everyone would probably agree that those who set and work towards the goals are more likely to achieve them than those who don’t. Commitment is the power of doing.

Topics “Leadership” and “Management” are close to my heart and I regularly discuss then and to find ways to apply business principles to personal life. In one of the last posts I was talking about “The Power of Taking Action”, now it is time to take that action. We are our own leaders, and nobody but us is responsible for our next steps. Leadership is all about “getting the proper things done”, whereas management is about doing tasks in a proper way. When we think about time management, we often focus on efficiency (doing things properly) and assume that effectiveness (being a leader) is being taken care of.
In order to get started with effective time management, I recommend doing the 60-minute Goal Setting Exercise. You will need four sheets of paper (and a pen. obvious, rights? 😉 )
60-minute Goal Setting Exercise
Practise 1 – Values.
Start by writing “values” at the top of a blank sheet of paper, and then use the next 10 to 15 minutes to list all of the things in life that are important and meaningful to you.
Practise 2 – Lifetime Goals
To begin, title a clean sheet of paper “Lifetime Goals.” You may dream here. What are some of the things you hope to accomplish or see happen throughout your lifetime? What are some of the places you hope to visit? Whom do you want to speak to? Some examples are going to the south of South America or to visit Pink Lake in Spain, going to college or finishing all the courses you’ve bought with a discount last year with the super sale, and having a home that is X square metres (foot) in size with a fireplace (remember “Specific”). Simply making a list is all that’s required for brainstorming. No rules. Connect with your childhood, and remember what you loved to do.
Practise 3 – Actions Plan
Write your plan of action for the next six months at the top of a blank sheet of paper. One of my closest friends passed away last week at the age of 42, and when you think that you can’t predict how much time is left I believe that everyone wants to do things that are coming from soul. It’s possible that some of us only have six months left to live, but we don’t know it yet. What will you do if You will have only six months to live, so make a list of everything you would do. That’s why I like this practise so much; it helps to put focus on what matters most. With this exercise you will find that there are many things you want to do in life that aren’t on the list of priorities and where to direct your journey.
Practise 4 – Goals for Now
Who says that we can start a year only on New years eve? You are here now and your year of commitment can start in 1 hour. Put your goals for the year at the top of a sheet of paper. After you’ve completed the previous three parts, this one will be simple to complete. These are the present goals. The goals that you will start to focus on right NOW.
We easily can spend hours (3-4) browsing and watching videos on youtube and/or TikTok and to make your life more purposeful you need Only one hour. To yourself. In the long run clear goals based on values and true desires will save you hundreds of hours.
If you find that you need to dive deeper into values, talk about lifetime goals, set an action plan in a proper way, write down SMARTer goals and need a partner who will help you with it, who will direct you by asking questions, then I’m here for you. One-to-one coaching is an open option and it is one click away – book your time here.
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