Action Creates the Inevitable, Opening Newness: The Power of Taking Action

I’m stuck. Thinking and rethinking the same thoughts again and again. Asking questions in my head. Polishing the picture of what I want to archive. Scared to start. Scared to fail. Do you know the feeling? The constant rain of thoughts falling and falling from the sky. Stopping you from action?

look through the window with written sentence ""the Power of Taking Action. Action Creates the Inevitable, Opening Newness"
“the Power of Taking Action. Action Creates the Inevitable, Opening Newness”

Well, I was there, stuck in a rut, not seeing where I’m heading. Struggling with what to do next with my life. Overthinking the next steps. Sometimes doing even nothing and after realising that nothing will change unless I choose to take action. 

Understating that action is a power and a force. Do you remember, from pictures and mom’s words: “After the first step you were trying to walk every day. Falling but still doing”. You were in a flow of actions and joy, moments with emotions captured with milliseconds of camera shoot. Walking gave you the possibility to reach what you couldn’t before and open new horizons. Taking action in the grown-up world is the same. Action creates the inevitable, opening newness. It makes us grow, be productive, achieve our goals and follow our dreams. 

“Action creates the inevitable, opening newness. It makes us grow, be productive, achieve our goals and follow our dreams. “

– Nika

Grow Through Doing

Do you believe in the power of action now more? As almost every one of us was learning how to walk for the first time, taking action was a normal flow of growing up. We were committed to it. We were afraid to fall but we’re still trying to stand up after falling We were confronting our fears and overcoming obstacles without knowing that we have them. Until we were told so. We were happy to have the opportunity to walk and by practicing, we were having control over our bodies as we can do right now by taking control over our lives with actions. We grew through doing as we do it every time when we choose to act.

Questions in My Head to Take Actions

In my life, there were few situations where I took action and I would love to tell you a story of one night when in four hours I decided to leave my home town.

About One Night

I came back from dancing in the nightclub. We walked and talked with my friend. The weather was warm. The wind was slow and the stars were high. We were tired and the walk was long. Around 2 am at a friend’s flat, I was lying on the floor and thinking about what to do next. No sigh of wanting to sleep. I was young and craving adventures.

Nika Mak performance mindset coach in a blue shirt outside laying on the grass with a notebook
me, Nika, laying down on a grass

What if I will go to live in another city? What I can do with my life better? Explore bigger, see the world, travel around and my thoughts started to grow and became a snowball that was falling mountains becoming bigger and bigger that I couldn’t stop. There was fear of failing but I asked myself “ What worst can happen if you fail?” by having a clear understanding that the worst is coming back to my parent’s home was not the end of my life I started to create a plan. And it was more a business plan as i needed money to take that road. And I needed to have the courage to ask for help in the beginning and not only from family bit also from friends.

Looking back I can’t say it was an easy journey.  1.5-hour morning travel to work as I couldn’t afford to leave in the city centre. Same time in the evening. In the metro full of people. Late evenings. The smell of alcohol, unpleasant perfume and sweat. Five days per week, half a year. 

Actions were taken: Change of job and a flat. Now it is a 1-hour trip. 2 years.

Rest is Important Part of Actionable Life

But I was still trying to have time for myself during weekends, to play billiards and treasure moments of rest. Having time to reflect on what I was doing while playing billiards, walking between trees in the forest, staring at a mirror of lakes and seeing the sky I was supporting myself constantly in taking action and moving forward. Filling how the power of taking action is helping me to discover what I truly want and where I want to be. Balance of work and rest was giving me ground to stand on.

The Power of Taking Action

I believe that every one of us has a story that can support the power of action. Making changes in personal life can be scary as hell but we live in a world of changes and opportunities and taking action is a key to success. You can choose a rollercoaster with a dead loop and face fear and losing breath and reach the goal (maybe there will be no loop at all) or you can stay in bed under a blanket  – “comfort zone”.The choice is always yours and only you can open new possibilities for yourself.

By taking action you start to transform not only your life but the life around you. Maybe you choose to create a new flow of processes at work or maybe you are an artist that was told at school that your paintings are not good. 

Maybe you are an incredible writer who is stuck at IT job or maybe other way around.

I don’t know (if you want to share I’m here to listen) but I do know that by choosing action forward your dreams you create the inevitable and opening up newness as following your true desire is the commitment with inner support.

And to support you in choosing actions I would like to share tips with you

1. A clear vision

A clear vision of what you want to reach. Be specific, and set the rules for how you will measure your success. Write everything down. Start from the end and move to the beginning. This will help you to create a roadmap and stay on track.

2. Better done than perfect.

Better done than perfect. Break your goals into smaller steps. Plan the next week with the thought in mind that you will achieve everything 150%. If you don’t feel like you can do some tasks. Cross them out. If you will have time you can do them, but in the beginning, your brain needs to know that all the tasks are achievable.

3. Commit to steps

Commit to steps. Do them. Learn what you think if you postpone tasks. and plan next week better. Ask yourself “What actions I can do I today to move closer to my goal?”

4. The importance of a journey

Plan your breaks. Rest. Hobbies. Netflix. Reading. Walk with kids and dogs. Eat your favourite food. Remember the pleasure of a journey has the same importance as the result itself.

5. Celebrate

Prize yourself. Every week after finishing all the tasks celebrate the progress. Give your brain a point of fixation that the tasks were done and you are good at actions.

ACT – Action Changed Things

ACT – Action Changed Things. The power of action is easy to understand when you are the one who is doing the job. Create changes even small ones to feel it. Action Creates the Inevitable, Opening Newness and you are only one click away from it.

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