Confidence Boost: Know Your Grounds

The most important thing I’ve learned as a coach over the last year—and something that my clients have told me—is that having faith in one’s abilities is crucial. Aligning your actions with your inner confidence is the key.

me, Nika, eyes on camera you

Groundwork for Inner Confidence

There are plenty of methods, ideas, routines, and advice to develop your life and self-esteem, but none of them will matter if the groundwork isn’t solid. That core represents your authentic self, the one you know in your heart. The catch is that you need self-assurance to discover it and let your true self shine through; following these three guidelines will help you achieve that.

  1. Discover Your Core Principles
  2. Strengthen Your Confidence as a Muscle

Discover Your Core Principles

When I speak about my principles, I tend to get poetic and become egotistical. That being said, I will not apologise for it; knowing one’s limitations is crucial to developing true self-confidence. Building blocks, foundations, and cornerstones for you are your values, which are ten thousand feet deep within you, at the very heart of who you are. Think about what matters most to you: your beliefs, your growth, your family, your enjoyment, nature, your accomplishments, your freedom, and so on. These are all examples of things that might be considered values.

“When I speak about my principles, I tend to get poetic and become egotistical”

– Nika

When you encounter certain individuals or circumstances, why do you feel a certain way—angry, discouraged, demotivated, or deflated? Because it’s rejecting a core part of your identity, when one or more of your values are denied, suppressed, or repressed, it’s natural for us to interpret this as a bad experience. You know those moments when you were electrified, energised, and full of life? When you see that one of your values is being upheld, it’s a sign that you should live by them.

No one has the right to take away your principles; they are uniquely yours. You may trust them completely since they are always there, ready for you to take advantage of. Identifying and living aligned with your values is the first step in making a difference in the world. All it implies is that you’re letting your authentic self exist in the real world, and it feels incredible, therefore it’s easy and great.

Strengthen Your Confidence as a Muscle

Just like any other muscle, confidence needs regular training to keep it from atrophying. Your confidence muscle, in contrast to your more permanent biceps and glutes, isn’t always easy to locate. How can one strengthen their muscles, namely their biceps and glutes? Over time, you may achieve your goal by consistently engaging in muscle-building workouts.

Confidence works the same way. Think about it: if you’re the kind of person who doesn’t take risks too much; you do everything that needs to be done every day, but you never really try to expand the doing, trying new things. If your mind is comfortable saying things like “I’m not good enough,” “That’s not who I am,” or “I don’t want it anyway,” you are convincing yourself that doing something new isn’t worth the anxiety it may create. That sort of person is ok to stay put, doing what they know to be safe. They grow less self-assured because they reduce the amount of chances they take.

Being willing to take chances, no matter how large or tiny, is the best way to build confidence. Being willing to try something new or old in a different way, and see the situations from a fresh angle. You must be responsive to the opportunities surrounding you and challenge yourself to grow your BEING: knowledge, skills, and character. Your self-assurance will grow in direct proportion to your willingness to take risks to pursue opportunities and possibilities. You need to do something to strengthen that confidence muscle.

“As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The question is, what will you do next?

You can grab my affirmations for your daily inspiration.

  • I am more than enough, and I continually grow in my abilities.
  • I am evolving, and who I am becoming aligns with my authentic self.
  • I embrace my desires, and I actively pursue what brings me fulfillment.

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